Other CPD links
In addition to the Law Society of South Australia webinars on offer, the organisations listed below offer professional development (mostly online) which NT legal practitioners may find useful.
Further information on mandatory CPD requirements for NT legal practitioners, including the maximum points allowed for CPD acitivites, can be found here or in the CPD Guide for Practitioners.
LawCPD - premium online legal CPD
Legalwise - online and interstate CPD
Clayton Utz training - online, on-demand and in-person
Wolters Kluwer - e-learning and events
The College of Law CPD - short programs for skills development
CPD Interactive - offers CPDs and a range of subscriptions
Law Council of Australia - upcoming conferences and events
UTS - online microcredentials and short courses
LawyersWeekly Knowledge Centre - podcasts, webcasts, magazines and educational conference videos