Society committees
The Society's Council establishes committees to inform the policy directions of the Society. These committees are established and reviewed at the annual strategic planning meeting to ensure they can adequately support the strategic objectives of the Council. The committees focus on policy development and implementation in relation to specific issues they identify. Committees also have the capacity to form 'ad hoc' working groups.
The committees are comprised of members from the Council and the broader legal profession, supported by the Secretariat. Additionally committees may have a community representative. The meeting schedule is usually determined by the Chairperson of the committee. If you have appropriate expertise in the relevant areas, or would like further information, please contact us.
- Committee appointments are for one year, but members may be re-appointed
- Appointment/removal of members is by resolution of Council
After consideration of the important work of the committees the Council resolved to adopt a Committees Charter at its meeting dated 27 September 2012. The Charter provides that the activities of the committees are overseen as follows:
- Members of Council chair/participate in committees, reporting as required at Council meetings;
- CEO participates in committees, reporting as required at Council meetings;
- CEO draws and signs all correspondence on behalf of the Society coming from committees recommendations;
- CEO to seek advice from the Executive as determined by the CEO;
- Approved minutes of committees to be uploaded to file share service for consideration by Council (PII and Ethics minutes are exceptions to this requirement).
The Council also acknowledges the values as set out in the Committees Charter.
The Charter provides that in the establishment, appointment of chairpersons and members the following values operate as a guide to the Council and others in making recommendations/determinations with respect to committees. The Society values committees that:
- benefit members and support the work of Council and the Strategic Plan;
- maintain a balance of necessary skills and knowledge and a dynamic membership;
- are manageable in terms of numbers and workload;
- maximise profession-wide awareness of and interest in the committees and their role;
- are broadly representative of the Society's membership providing as many Society members as possible with the opportunity to serve as member of a committee;
- foster new leaders of the profession and facilitate the regular introduction of new ideas.
The current committees may be found here.