Media Release - NAAJA Concerns
The Law Society Northern Territory deeply concerned at NAAJA developments.
The Law Society Northern Territory (Society) notes with great concern the current issues impacting the operations of North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency (NAAJA).
The current situation at NAAJA including personnel shortages impacts severely on the ability of the agency to provide adequate and sustainable representation to Aboriginal people across the Northern Territory particularly in relation to criminal matters.
Equally of concern to the Society is the impact the current situation at NAAJA is having on its employees generally and on its legal practitioners in particular.
The health, wellbeing and welfare of legal practitioners at NAAJA must be and must remain of paramount concern at all times.The Society is pleased to note that the Northern Territory Government and the Commonwealth Government are working with NAAJA to address the current situation.
Society President Mr Richard Henschke said, “Organisations such as NAAJA have a very important role in the administration of justice in the Northern Territory and it is vital that they are properly resourced and governed and that their staff receive adequate and appropriate support at all times.”