Law Society NT Logo
Law Society NT Logo

Law Society NT office closure

The Society advises that its office will be closed until at least Thursday 27 January 2022 as all Secretariat staff are home quarantining due to a Covid-19 related incident.

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LCA's RRR Digital Treechange Initiative

A program designed to bring more lawyers to the bush

Launched in at the Cairns Courthouse on 22 September, LCA’s ‘Digital Treechange’ initiative aims to overcome the ‘barrier of the unknown’ for lawyers considering rural, regional and remote practice.

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Tax Risk Management for Lawyers

Legal Education Program - FREE Zoom CPD

Presenter: Jim McMillan

Wednesday 17 November, 12 noon to 1.00 pm

There have been reports from other jurisdictions about a recent increase in professional indemnity claims against lawyers in respect of tax issues – with most claims relating to the failure of lawyers to advise on GST.

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CPD by Supreme Court Justice Southwood


Tuesday 23 November 2021, 4.30 to 5.30 pm
Supreme Court of the Northern Territory
No registration required

On 11 February 2020 the Evidence and Other Legislation Amendment Act 2020 (the Amendment Act) was passed by the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly, and it commenced on 29 July 2020.

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AALA establishes NT branch

The Asian Australian Lawyers Association (AALA) is delighted to announce that a Northern Territory Branch has been established, marking AALA as being a truly national organisation, with State and Territory Branches across Australia.

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EOI: NTLAC Contingency Legal Aid Fund (CLAF) – Members Panel

The Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission (NTLAC) CLAF Committee is established under Part III of the Legal Aid Act (the Act). Its primary function is to approve funding for legal assistance. Under section 16 of the Act, members of the Committee must be nominated by the Law Society Northern Territory.

Committee members are appointed for a twelve-month period with an opportunity for reappointment; legal practitioners with experience in civil litigation matters are encouraged to nominate.

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Cancellation of the 2022 Start at the Top Family Law Conference

The Society has made the difficult decision to cancel the 2022 Start at the Top Family Law Conference scheduled for 24 and 25 January 2022.

There are a number of reasons leading to this decision to cancel which include the impact of recent resourcing issues in the Society and ongoing concerns related to the potential impact of Covid-19 on the ability to hold the event. 

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LCA: Refreshing the Indigenous Legal Issues Committee

The Law Council of Australia (LCA) Executive has resolved to refresh the Indigenous Legal Issues Committee and as such, the Society is seeking Expressions of Interest from legal practitioners who are interested in holding a position on the Committee. 

The primary purpose of the Committee is to advise the LCA on key federal and national issues and legal and policy responses that impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and legal practitioners, as well as improving access to justice as it is experienced by these respective cohorts.

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Law Society NT developments - important update to the legal profession


For a number of years now, the Law Society Northern Territory (like many other organisations) has been subject to the pressure of continuing to undertake its operations in a tightening fiscal environment. These issues, which have been reported in its Annual Reports over recent years, have resulted in a gradual but steady reduction in resources available to the Society to undertake its work including both its regulatory functions and providing member services.

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Commencement of the new Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia

Update to the profession (No. 4)

On 1 September 2021, the Family Court of Australia (FCoA) and Federal Circuit Court of Australia (FCC) will be amalgamated to create the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia (FCFCOA). Division 1 of the FCFCOA will deal only with family law matters, while Division 2 will deal with both family law and general federal law matters.

The Courts have released a series of updates for the legal profession and the public to advise them of changes to court operations. This fourth update provides additional information that primarily relates to the family law jurisdiction of the FCFCOA, specifically in regard to the new harmonised Rules, the Courts’ Central Practice Direction, and the new case management pathway in family law proceedings.

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Legal issues associated with COVID-19 vaccinations - a New Chambers Webinar

When: Thursday 12 August 2021 @ 4 pm

Australia is now at the stage of the Covid 19 pandemic where a number of vaccines have been developed and made available. Australia is not yet at the stage where supply has outstripped demand, but inevitably we will reach that stage. Then, Australia may be left with the position where individuals may decide not to take the vaccine as has occurred in other jurisdictions. How to treat this group of citizens will raise questions concerning the power of Government, the balancing of that power against individual liberties and action any compulsions by Government, whether it will be left to employers to fill the vacuum by mandating that employees be vaccinated.

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William Forster Chambers Golden Gavel

Friday, 6 August 2021
5.45 canapés and drinks; 6.30 pm start
Supreme Court Buildings in Darwin and Alice Springs

Join NTYL at the NT legal profession at the comedy night of the season!

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Judicial Impartiality Inquiry - survey of practitioners

The Australian Law Reform Commission (ALRC) has been asked to consider “whether, and if so what, reforms to the laws relating to impartiality and bias as they apply to the federal judiciary are necessary and desirable”. As part of this Inquiry the ALRC would like to obtain information directly from lawyers.

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Office details

Office: 3/6 Lindsay St. Darwin NT 0800
Post: GPO Box 2388 Darwin NT 0801
ABN: 62 208 314 893


Please note that the Society does not offer legal advice.

A list of lawyers can be found here.

Telephone: (08) 8981 5104
